
Showing posts from August, 2018

Cropover 2018 Review; Fetes, Pricing and Costume

As a recent Soca newbie, I decided on Cropover 2018 for three reasons: 1. It's one of the few Caribbean carnivals in the school holidays 2. Cropover 2017 looked amazing 3. I've heard great things I actually booked a package (aeroplane ticket and bed & breakfast in St Lawrence Gap- always check Trip Advisor reviews) via British Airways at the beginning of November 2017. This means I booked about 9 months in advance, I'd recommend booking no later then 9 months in advance of any long-distance carnival, you'll save more and also have more time to pay the amount off. After much research about Cropover I had the following key dates: 1st Monday in August: Kadooment Day- the day people wear the costume they have chosen, have a loong time to party with soundsystems down a route The Saturday morning before Kadooment day is Foreday Morning- the day people go to the capital of Bridgetown with a band and through the city centre about 2am-7am April-May- when the band c